The EST Translation Committee received 12 proposals for the 2014 EST Translation Prize of 2000 euros.
The translation projects were evaluated by all the members of the committee and marked on a scale from 1 to 5 for:
- Choice of the text and its potential impact on international Translation Studies
- Feasibility of the project, including interest from a publisher
- Experience of the translator or the team of translators
Following the unanimous outcome of the assessment by the committee members, the Translation Committee is happy to announce the 2014 winner:
Brian James Baer (Kent State University): Introduction to Translation Theory by Andrei V. Fedorov (1953).
The proposal obtained the highest scores for the three main assessment criteria.
The Translation Committee also found that the translation of Fedorov’s Introduction to Translation Theory is long overdue and a translation into English would therefore be most welcome.
Our congratulations to the winner.
The Translation Committee was chaired by Aline Remael, with Isabelle Robert as Secretary, Andrew Chesterman, Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Riitta Jääskeläinen and Douglas Robinson as members, and Defeng Li and Jeremy Munday as external advisors.
For more information:
EST Translation Prize