The European Society for Translation Studies has selected Gisele Dionísio da Silva, Maura Radicioni and Devrim Ulaş Arsl as the winners of its 2018 Summer School Scholarship.
Gisele Dionísio da Silva currently pursues a PhD degree in Translation Studies at the Interuniversity Doctoral Program jointly managed by the University of Lisbon, the Nova University of Lisbon and the Portuguese Catholic University, working under the supervision of Professor Karen Bennett. Her research project, entitled The translator as a social actor in Brazilian university publishers, addresses the role of translation within the context of university publishing in Brazil, observing how translators exercise their agency as well as interact with other editorial actors, such as publishers, editors, proofreaders, and reviewers, during the production of translated works.
Maura Radicioni is a conference interpreter and translator as well as interpreter trainer at the University of Bologna. Her Ph.D project is entitled Challenges in humanitarian interpreting: Emergency Ong Onlus, a case-study. Maura will attend the CETRA summer school.
Devrim Ulaş Arslan is a PhD candidate in Translation Studies in the Department of Translation and Interpreting at Dokuz Eylül University (İzmir, Turkey) and he is currently working as a research assistant in the same department. He received his BA degree in Translation and Interpreting at İzmir University of Economics and his MA degree in Translation Studies from Dokuz Eylül University. The title of Arslan’s PhD project is “Serial Novels and Translation in Turkish-Ottoman History (1862-1950)” and is supervised by Müge Işıklar Koçak. The project focuses on the role of translated serial novels in the cultural politics of publication in the late Ottoman and early republican periods of Turkey.
Our congratulations to all the winners, and our sincere thanks to all the candidates!
For more information:
EST Summer School Scholarship