The next important ID-TS event is the first ID-TS workshop for supervisors. It will be organised as a pre-conference workshop immediately before the EST congress in South Africa and will be led by Anthony Pym. The workshop entitled “How to supervise doctoral research on translation and interpreting?” will consist of two seminars. The workshop is intended for supervisors and potential supervisors of doctoral candidates and is free of charge for ID-TS members and from supervisors from Africa.
ID-TS presently consists of 14 Member institutions from 11 different countries.The next call for participation in the network will be launched at the EST conference in Stellenbosch. To that end, we have appointed a 10-member evaluation committee chaired by Professor Christina Schaeffner. For more details regarding the application process, please consult our website.
We are currently looking for organizers for the 2020 graduate conference.
If your institution trains doctoral students in Translation Studies, you are cordially invited to join the ID-TS network!
Nike K. Pokorn, director of ID-TS
Kaisa Koskinen, secretary of ID-TS