European Society for Translation Studies



Description Gyde Hansen, April 26, 2005 – Copenhagen Business School Description of an observed phenomenon in empirical research is a kind of communication process. There is always an object of description and an activity consisting in describing it for a receiver. What is needed in order to get closer to objectivity is an unambiguous exchange of experience. Other researchers

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Qualitative research in TS – interdisciplinarity + intermethodology

Qualitative research in TS – interdisciplinarity + intermethodology Gyde Hansen, March 2, 2005 – Copenhagen Business School Qualitative research is based on subjective reports, explanations and interpretations. In TS, we need qualitative methods, but we cannot make do with only specific, private findings that cannot be generalized. According to Gile (this website), “our perception of both ‘reality’ around us and other people’s

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Qualitative research, methods and data

Qualitative research, methods and data Gyde Hansen, February 23, 2005 Copenhagen Business School Qualitative research is “any type of research that produces findings not arrived at by statistical procedures or other means of quantification” (Strauss/Corbin: 10). It is indepth investigation of phenomena, taking as many variables into consideration as possible. It is interpretive, employing often naturalistic approaches to people’s lives, experiences,

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Qualitative and Quantitative Research and Empirical Translation Studies

Qualitative and Quantitative Research and Empirical Translation Studies Gyde Hansen, February 17, 2005 – Copenhagen Business School Empirical research is based on data systematically derived from perception and observation of aspects of reality. In a research project, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the data entail choices as to the different methods, techniques and procedures which might be the

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