Founded in Vienna in 1992, the Society now has members in more than 46 countries. It functions as a network for research, a forum for exchange, and a center for research resources.
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A note on explanation
1 Oct 2006Research Issues
A note on explanation  Andrew Chesterman October 1, 2006 Descriptive Translation Studies aims at more than description. It also looks for explanations which add to our understanding. Some explanations are interpretive, or metaphorical ones. An unfamiliar phenomenon may be…
Sampling 3: The effect of bias in samples
8 Sep 2006Research Issues
Sampling 3: The effect of bias in samples Daniel Gile September 8, 2006 Samples are selected to be representative of populations. However, natural variability within the population makes it likely that with respect to the feature(s) in which investigators are interested…
How to choose the most relevant parameters to be controlled in an empirical study
12 Aug 2006Research Issues
How to choose the most relevant parameters to be controlled in an empirical study  Daniel Gile 12 August 2006 In a previous text (Sampling 2: Generalizing from case studies), it was explained that in order to make findings of studies…
Sampling 2: generalizing from case studies
18 Jul 2006Research Issues
Sampling 2: generalizing from case studies  Daniel Gile 18 July, 2006  In a previous text (Sampling-based studies as case studies), it was pointed out that generally, one or more dimensions of a phenomenon are controlled in a study…
Sampling 1: Sampling-based studies as case studies
12 Jul 2006Research Issues
Sampling 1: Sampling-based studies as case studies  Daniel Gile 12 July 2006 The concept of sampling implies the idea that what is sampled is representative of a larger entity with similar characteristics. Thus, the most fundamental property sought in a…