Founded in Vienna in 1992, the Society now has members in more than 46 countries. It functions as a network for research, a forum for exchange, and a center for research resources.
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The editorial process through the looking glass
30 Sep 2004Research Issues
The editorial process through the looking glass Daniel Gile – Université Lumière Lyon 2 Gyde Hansen – Copenhagen Business School Published in Gyde, Hansen, Kirsten Malkmjær and Daniel Gile (eds). 2004. Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 297-306. Abstract Editors of scholarly publications are gatekeepers who decide whether to publish manuscripts or not, but…
Standardization of supervision procedures: the cross-cultural perspective
30 Sep 2004Research Issues
Standardization of supervision procedures:the cross-cultural perspective Karen Bennett Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu (Report from the Lisbon Congress round table on supervision, September 2004. Convenor: Andrew Chesterman) What follows is a subjective response to the proposals recently raised…