The following are notes on the ways in which academic journals in our field are evaluated and ranked. Members are invited to send comments and information to the EST Secretary General. A more complete compilation of indexes can be found on the RETI website (which we hope will be maintained). An explanation of JCR rankings by citation analysis can be found on the Web of Knowledge here. An example of the SJR citation analysis system is here.
The main international ranking indexes are as follows:
ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters)
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) (access should be available through your university)
ERIH: European Reference Index for the Humanities
Current list of ERIH PLUS approved journals
SJR: SCImago Journal & Country Rank
These lists give the impact index and ranking for each journal. Most TS journals are in the “Language and Linguistics” list, which had 884 journals in 2019.
There are also national bibliometric lists and indexes that can be consulted when trying to decide which journal to submit to. Such rankings might be relevant to committees making decisions about appointments and promotions.