Giada Brighi, a member of EST since March 2022, was thrilled to accept the EST Summer School scholarship for her participation in “Conceptualizing Histories of Translation: from your story to history”, a summer school organized by the Department of Translation Studies at the University of Graz, from 18-23 September 2023. She is currently in the second year of her PhD in Translation Studies at the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies at Stockholm University. Previously, she studied conference interpreting (Italian, German, English) at the FTSK Germersheim, University of Mainz.
Her research project, with the working title Marie Franzos (1870–1941): Independent, committed, successful. Translator, literary agent, and cultural mediator of Swedish literature into German around 1900, is being supervised by Prof. Yvonne Lindqvist. The aim of the project is to reveal the successful contribution of the Austrian translator Marie Franzos to spreading Swedish literature in German-speaking countries at the turn of 20th century by investigating her extratextual and textual translatorship. For this purpose, Giada has been collecting correspondence from and to Franzos from archives in several countries, which is transcribed and analyzed through thematic analysis. She is also studying three translations to determine whether the success of Franzos’ translation work can be connected to the Heimatkunst movement and the idealization of Scandinavia widely spread in Germany at the time.