The International Doctorate in Translation Studies (ID-TS) was established in 2017 by EST to achieve international cooperation in the field of doctoral education in order to promote higher quality in student recruitment, program content and delivery, research design, publication of research, and mobility and placement. Currently ID-TS has 17 members which represent doctoral programs from 12 countries: Austria (University of Graz, University of Vienna), Belgium (KU Leuven, University of Antwerp), Britain (University of Bristol, University of Leeds), Czech Republic (Charles University – Prague), Finland (Tampere University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Turku), Germany (Johannes Gutenberg University), Israel (Bar-Ilan University), Italy (University of Bologna), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana), Spain (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Switzerland (University of Geneva) and Türkiye (Boğaziçi University).
More information is available here: International Doctorate in Translation Studies (ID-TS)