European Society for Translation Studies

Open Access Prize Committee

Luc van Doorslaer (chair)

Full Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Tartu, also affiliated to KU Leuven and Stellenbosch University. Vice President of EST. Journal editor of Translation in Society. Co-editor of the Translation Studies Bibliography and the Handbook of Translation Studies (John Benjamins).

Brian Baer
Brian James Baer is Professor of Russian and Translation Studies at Kent State University. He is founding editor of the journal Translation and Interpreting Studies and co-editor of the book series Literatures, Cultures, Translation (Bloomsbury) and Translation Studies in Translation (Routledge).
Piotr Blumczynski

MA in English, PhD in Translation, post-doctoral habilitation (University of Wroclaw). Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Translation and Interpreting, Queen’s University Belfast, UK. Editor of Translation Studies (Routledge).

Helle V. Dam

Professor of Interpreting and Translation Studies at Aarhus University and Adjunct Professor of Translation and Interpreting at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland. Co-editor of Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication in Business (published by Aarhus University, open access).

Dorothy Kenny

Full Professor of Translation Studies at Dublin City University. Principal Investigator on the EU-funded MultiTraiNMT project. Co-General Editor of the journal Translation Spaces (John Benjamins) and an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Linguists.

Loredana Polezzi

BA in Modern Languages (University of Siena), MA in Italian Studies and PhD in Translation Studies (Warwick University). Alfonse M. D’Amato Chair in Italian American and Italian Studies (Stony Brook University, NY), co-editor of The Translator (Routledge).