Founded in Vienna in 1992, the Society now has members in more than 46 countries. It functions as a network for research, a forum for exchange, and a center for research resources.
What’s new?
Attention! Phishing mails in circulation
4 Mar 2023General news
A number of our members have recently received email messages supposedly from our President, asking for help in a financial matter related to EST. Be assured that the only message you will ever receive from us about money is at…
New Chair of the Danica Seleskovitsch Association
2 Mar 2023General news
Congratulations to Clare Donovan, who was elected Chair of the Danica Seleskovitsch Association (DSA) as Edgar Wieser’s successor last month. Clare is a conference interpreter, has a PhD in interpreting studies, is the former head of the interpreting unit at…
Translation Prize 2022 winners announced!
8 Nov 2022General news
Congratulations to the following translators for the three winning proposals for the 2022 Translation Prize: Oleksandr Kalnychenko (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) and Brian James Baer (Kent State University) Terje Loogus (University of Tartu) Chiara Bucaria (University of Bologna) More…
Deadline for the Translation Prize: 1 October 2022
22 Sep 2022General news
The EST Translation Prize (EUR 2,000) is awarded biannually for the most deserving project to translate key texts in Translation Studies (including research on interpreting and localization). Read the rules and conditions here. The deadline is 1 October 2022. …
Young Scholar Prize 2022 recipients
23 Jun 2022General news,Grants and scholarships awarded
Mary Nurminen (Tampere) for “Investigating the Influence of Context in the Use and Reception of Raw Machine Translation” and Raphael Sannholm (Stockholm) for “Translation, Teamwork and Technology. The Use of Social and Material Scaffolds in the Translation Process” are the…