European Society for Translation Studies

The EST awards its Young Scholar Prize to candidates from South Africa and Spain

The 2013 EST Young Scholar Prize has been awarded to two candidates whose dissertations received the same score.

Haidee Kruger of the North-West University, South Africa, was co-winner for her doctoral dissertation Postcolonial Polysystems: The Production and Reception of Translating Children’s Literature in South Africa (Benjamins 2012).

Beatriz Cerezo Merchán of Universitat Jaume I (Castelló, Spain) presented her winning dissertation on La didáctica de la traducción audiovisual en España: Un estudio de caso empírico-descriptivo (The Didactics of Audiovisual Translation in Spain: An Empirical and Descriptive Case Study) (2012).

A total of 34 applications were received from 17 countries including Japan, South Africa and the United States, for doctoral dissertations written in six different languages. More than 10,000 pages were reviewed by 53 independent reviewers from all over the world on the basis of a grading format that the Young Scholar Award Committee had set up and distributed. All of the applications showed strong scholarly work in the field of Translation Studies, along with enthusiasm, dedication and discipline.

The assessment procedure was coordinated by a Young Scholar Award Committee, consisting of Jorge Diaz-Cintas, Heidrun Gerzymisch (Chair), Daniel Gile and Gyde Hansen.

For more information:
EST Young Scholar Prize

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