European Society for Translation Studies

EST Symposium: Same place, different times – call for posters

University of Vienna, 27-28 September, 2012

Call for Posters

The symposium will feature a poster session to showcase advances in the field. Researchers in any sub-field of translation studies are invited to present their work in the form of a poster. The 90-minute poster session will offer direct access to the authors in a way not possible through regular panels.

Researchers in an early stage of their careers are particularly encouraged to submit a proposal.

Submitting a Proposal

Please submit your proposal as a one-page document including:

– the name(s), academic degree(s) and affiliations of the author(s)

– a 300-word abstract summarizing the work to be presented, includinginformation on the methodology and findings.

Please send your proposal by February 15, 2012 to Michael.Boyden[at],adhering to the following requirements:

– File should be in Word or PDF format.

– Use standard margin settings (1 inch, 2.5 cm)

– Title (in bold) and text in 12-point Times Roman typeface

– Use 1.5 line spacing for text.

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