European Society for Translation Studies

Founded in Vienna in 1992, the Society now has members in more than 46 countries. It functions as a network for research, a forum for exchange, and a center for research resources.

What’s new?

Do respondents to surveys tell the truth?

Do respondents to surveys tell the truth?   Daniel Gile February 16, 2006 One way to obtain information about translational behavior is to ask translators to answer questions about it, essentially through interviews and questionnaires. Despite appearances, the efficient conduct of…

Combination and Triangulation of Methods and Data

Combination and Triangulation of Methods and Data Gyde Hansen, December 29, 2005   In empirical TS, combining methods and data has become an important research technique. This procedure is often called “triangulation”. For example, data from first-person observations (TAPs) are combined…

When is a law probabilistic

When is a law probabilistic?   Daniel Gile   November 27, 2005   Probabilistic laws lie somewhere between determinism, where a phenomenon is certain, and total uncertainty, where one has no idea as to whether the phenomenon will materialize and…

Translation research: LAP versus/with ESP?

Translation research: LAP versus/with ESP? A response to Maria Filippakopoulou Daniel Gile October 22, 2005 In her essay, Maria Filippakopoulou (MF) criticizes “scientific” discourse, “long and sufficiently debated”.      Firstly, regarding the reasons why most of the texts in this web page refer to “scientific…

Editing TS journals

Editing TS journals   Helle V. Dam1 (Aarhus School of Business, Denmark)     When I was invited to speak at the EST symposium on publishing in TS, the organizers asked me to address the topic of Editing TS journals based on the following questions:…